The Foundational or Roundhand Alphabet. With thanks to Richard Crookes.

You will remember that some time ago Richard allowed me to use his italic worksheets at Bill’s Space. They have proved very popular. Over 1000 views, so far, with many people clicking through to download the zip file.  If you missed them, don’t worry they are still available at his website.

I was interested to hear that Richard has set up a series of very well attended calligraphy classes in Thailand, and has a blog, “Calligraphy Classes in Bangkok“, here on WordPress.

He made this ‘g’ during one of the classes and says, “that ‘g’ was about 4 feet high on a white board. It’s great fun working that large”.

He has completed some brilliant worksheets on the Foundational Hand, and has once again given me the go ahead to show them.  I think, however it would be in your own interest to have a look at his blog and a thorough root through his website where among loads of other goodies you will find some copies you can download for yourself.


Thanks Richard.

Don’t forget to then come back and see what is going on at our first lesson,  TIME TO GET TO WORK

Keep watching this space.


5 responses to “The Foundational or Roundhand Alphabet. With thanks to Richard Crookes.


  2. Dear Bill
    Thank you so much for sharing your passion and talent. I am a slow learner who may never write as beautifully as you, but I can surely enjoy and appreciate the love and devotion you have put into this. Cheers!


  3. Dear Bill
    Thank you so much for sharing your passion and talent. I am a slow learner who may never write as beautifully as you, but I can surely enjoy and appreciate the love and devotion you have put into this. Cheers! Carolina


    • Thanks Carolina.
      I am pleased you are finding some inspiration here at Bill’s Space.
      My first advice is :- Learn one script at a time, preferably starting with Roundhand, then Roman capitals. Next, of course, is that little matter of Practice, Practice, Practice.


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